Number sequences

The core of Kitbit is to find the pattern of any kind of numerical series. They are sequences of numbers obeying a rule as in the following examples:

  • 1 1 2 3 5 . . .
  • 2 9 28 65 126 . . .
  • 116 58 56 28 26 13 11 . . .
  • 13 -21 34 -55 89 -144 . . .
  • 230 460 46 92 9.2 18.4 . . .
  • 3 12 24 33 66 75 . . .
  • 1 10 37 82 145 22 . . .
  • -2 1 6 13 22 33 . . .

Test KitBit with your own sequence

Type your own number sequence with numbers separated by spaces and submit. Wait until the model finds the solution. It will take from a second to a minute, depending on the difficulty of the sequence.